

以前30min しか乗ってないのに2時間tか余裕で爆睡とかあったけど、まさに糖分足りてなかったってことな気がしてならない。 専門家からすれば自明だったことだろうけど、素人にはわかりませんね。 この前言ってたミネラルの力とかも、ただコーラ一本だけだっ…

07/10~07/16 Week review: On 3000kcal/day trend, exam/duties incoming, and habit pressure

Out of all the things that went good under all the stress out of last week was the news that the swimming pool is finally open to students for the summer season! So hopefully I can do some aerobic work and cross-training there too. By far,…