07/10~07/16 Week review: On 3000kcal/day trend, exam/duties incoming, and habit pressure

Out of all the things that went good under all the stress out of last week was the news that the swimming pool is finally open to students for the summer season! So hopefully I can do some aerobic work and cross-training there too. By far, that was the highlight of the training week schedule. On the other hand, riding my bike had become tedious as the maintenaince of shifting and chainrings are urgent now. Fortunately, I finally managed to decide and order some bike parts thanks to prioritizing what I want to focus training on, and Seo-san's help on choosing the appropiate replacements for my bike.


On 3000kcal/day

Checking my last nutrition data, I can say I am deep in a 3000kcal/day trend despite trying to keep it on 2000. I may have been a food adict in the past, but certainly hunger is really knocking at my door all day; and while the best way to keep it off my shoulder is being deep-focus busy on other tasks, it always comes around to bother me more. 


Do I burn this much of calories each week in accordance to my schedule? If that so, then at certain weight plateau may hit unless I increse hours or intensity. Now that I think about it, 71kg threeshold seems hard to go through. I had been losing some weight on 3000kcal/day last weeks so probably I am burning more. I don't know for certain, but if I plateau then I either have to fix calories, movement hours or intensity. 


On Exam/Duties Pressure and The Habit of Consitency saving my ass

University reports keep getting harder, and things to study and review have increased. I have read somewhere that training is even more tiring when one has other duties' pressure. I haven't been able to perceive this completely, but I can certainly say that starting to get the bike, shoes, etc ready to get out is an enourmous burden initially, specially when the day and the mood are not at its brightest. Luckily, that's when this habit pressure from the cumulative streak and schedule comes around and start pushing me. If I had nothing scheduled or a habit I probably would have not gone out. So I am glad I have worked this consistent week schedule. Of course, on those bad moods at first I may be lazy and with a crappy face, but probably an hour later on the bike or run you'll see my happy face on the road. Best of all is this just enhances me for my other daily activities, so certainly it's something I want to keep working on for my current and future self.


Week Schedule:


On this week remarks:

-> Swimming pool open! I gotta think about some plan to do each lunch and be productive while having fun. I am sure this will keep my mood and dopamine levels high for every hot summer day. 

->On Wednesday I noticed a slow flat, so went for a run and tried to get the air pump back to my place for a while. Sorry to Hayakawa who looked for it while it was gone. It's already back in the Box.

-> These days nutrition timing or mood have not been the same. I have felt tired out of seminar preparation and reports and heavy cause of nutrition timing. The good thing is that my pace is still maintained, so that's a relief on these busy times. I hope so.

-> Expecting weight to Plateu at some moment. This week I went for the first time into 71kg, which was good news, but still gotta see if it is kept off. Now I am worried I may lose power thanks to decrease in weight. This is because I see my weight going down and despite some improvements, I keep asking myself if I could have done more power for the same perceived effort when I was heavier. That's where the powermeter to be installed after bike surgery shall come in handle. Good to know its coming soon!


Well, that's all for this week. Good luck on preparing for the exams, guys!