11/22 Heart Loop ft. Kurio, Takao 88.1km 1127mup 3:22h 11h断食中
宝ヶ池ExtendedEdition ラン 15.52km 1:27h 5:40/km 20h断食中
11/23 休み
11/24 宝ヶ池 ラン 10.54km 55:50min 5:18/km 20h断食中
11/25 高雄、落葉神社、持越峠 53.2km 644mup 2:01h
11/26 全体練なし、少し乗っただけ 19.9km 164mup 52:57min
11/27 愛宕、佐々理峠、裏花背 162.41km 2332mup 6:33h 1日断食なし(補給必要)
-Heart Loop ft. Kurio, Takao 88.1km 1127mup 3:22h 11h断食中
LSD Testing 11h fast+ No food during ride
As long as I go at a base pace (L2), it’s possible to ride fasted 🤔
Luckily did not bonk, but also felt like it was gonna happen if I were to push on the climbs
Overall lovely weather but with some cold winds. Autumn colors were really beautiful to ride by.
-宝ヶ池ExtendedEdition ラン 15.52km 1:27h 5:40/km 20h断食中
Testing 20h fasted run
After earlier ride, I honestly did not feel like ever making it to the end. Almost all of it thanks to Miura.
Starting the run I felt kind of dizzy and not feeling like I want to actually run, but thanks to Miura’s leading I could keep pace till getting out of Takaragaike.
By then, after a few hundred meters, I did not notice an unleveled piece of walkside and fell. Luckily just a scratch so just kept on running. I felt like this also may have helped enduring the run since some adrenaline (maybe?) into my system reawakened me and gave me more focus. The scratch in my leg ( which I did not notice it was bleeding till the end ) redirected my hunger and thirsty senses to that zone, so now hunger was not the problem anymore. I think I may have entered and alert mode.
But something I have noticed from these last few fasted activities, is that somehow the body adapts to fat burning after a while, and since one is fasted, as long as the pace is not intensive, fat becomes a constant stable source of energy fueling the activity, instead of the peaks of energy one usually have by fueling with carbohydrates. Carbohydrates for sure are energy, but at base pace burning fat seems more efficient so to reserve the carbs for when we really need them like for the climbs.
Back to the run, even though the original route did not seem to reach the 15km goal, I convinced Miura to go till the end for 15k since I was still feeling well. 3km left to go felt closer to achieving the goal today than next time. So adjusting the route we got through it.
Overall, nice testing, specially because I am still amazed on how my body could support two activities without food, but as I said earlier the run today wouldn’t have been possible without Miura. Thank you so much!
Rewarding dinner now!
Though gotta keep testing more…
11/24 宝ヶ池 ラン 10.54km 55:50min 5:18/km 20h断食中
Testing 20h fasted run
If two days ago I was dying, today regardless of the pace I felt like flying 🕊️
-Yesterday I had Nabe, and thanks to noodles probably more carbohydrates than recently (1toast+ oats, juice, yogurts and salad as fibers) so maybe I was on point this time.
-Another one a is that may I have started to adapt a little more to fat burning? I hope yes, since I could l focus more this time.
Comment: Music also helped probably, but since I mostly run with music I can maybe discard its effect when comparing to other runs
To know more, gotta keep running
11/25 高雄、落葉神社、持越峠 53.2km 644mup 2:01h
(英語編)Lovely ride to experience during sunrise. Push at Mochikoshi felt refreshing. It’s really nice riding in proper winter gear, so hopefully I can survive this winter :)
Thanks Giordano for the ride!
11/26 全体練なし、少し乗っただけ 19.9km 164mup 52:57min
(英語編)22h into fast, only thirsty. Yesterday had too much Indian food so that explains why I was still full probably. Had a good meal after groceries so stomach happy now, hopefully ready for tomorrow :)
11/27 愛宕、佐々理峠、裏花背 162.41km 2332mup 6:33h 1日断食なし(補給必要)
Ride with Gio, Sid&Ali !! Good pace overall. 2 stops to rest and replenish energy. 1 (too much food at once) bonk after lunch break. In conclusion, funny sunday ride with some pushes along the ride.
Supplies: 4.25 calorie mate+1 protein bar
Long time no see, Atago!
I have climbed this few times before and it felt refreshing doing it again, specially in good company. Gio and Sid kept a constant pace, while me and Ali tried pushing to the end. It was fun climbing with Ali. I thought I would get dropped (since Ali could keep pace while talking comfortably), but somehow it seemed like we were both pushing to keep with each other’s pace. It looks nice on theory, but on practice it is harder. Nonetheless, I actually enjoyed it. I was then worried about the next climbs if we were about to push there too. As we were about to take the climb, because Ali got a bump and unfortunately unclipped we could not claim the climb together. Regardless of that, a really nice effort, got almost 1min faster so PR getto.
The way to Miyama
After some sightseeing while riding, and some short steep climbs got to rest in conbini at 60km. Kagome smoothie, 2 onigiris, 1 chicken made it enough if needed to push. To be honest, at this point I felt tired from Atago push, so rested getting some draft from the group before going into the long road till N. 12 along the river. When I felt like back to normal, went ahead to make Ali some company. Drafted a while, and then as we rotated pace went up, and entered N.12 along the river where pushing felt harder because of headwind and the ups and downs. The longest I pushed leading was around 15min, it felt tiring but somehow I was in the mood. Then, I got tired and Ali leaded the rest until Miyama. Kugisaka Pass felt short and tiring after pushing, but we finally got to next rest place safely at 90km.
A pretty bonked way to Sasari
After lunch break (too much Taco rice?), I felt bonked and tired maybe because I did not sleep after waking up late the day before, too much food, plus the 2 pushes in Atago and along the river. I felt so heavy that I could not keep pace initially after resuming the ride. It reminded me of how bonked I felt after Onyu in the buffet lunch. At some point in the route to Sasari, guys waited to check on me (thanksss), and then we decided where we would meet if we split again. Felt bad about making them wait in the cold, so hoped on lunch calories to digest soon. As we kept on going towards Sasari, we split as somehow expected. Apparently, Sid and Gio managed lunch pretty well, while Ali and me were suffering with digestion plus recovering from the last 2 efforts. I had to stop for toilet so I let Ali go ahead. Now alone at the back, my only hope was to catch them and climb together so not to make them wait in the cold.
Sasari, here we go again!
On the way to catch Gio and company, I finally felt a smooth continuous transition from feeling something heavy on my stomach and no force to pedal, towards feeling lighter and with the energy to pedal faster. It felt amazing having finally available the energy from lunch break. While unsure of the route, I could finally see Ali ahead, and like a dog started to push so to ride side to side again. Back together with Ali, rotation and pace up!
Just before the climb I wondered if I had the strength to keep pushing since I remembered Gio saying that the climb only gets steeper and steeper. Luckily, just as we entered the climb we spotted Sid, so we paced up to regroup and climb together. Unfortunately, I did not see Gio anywhere soon, so while I examined whether I could hopefully catch him and my legs status, I just said “Well, I don’t feel bad now, let’s just do it!”. So went ahead Sid&Ali on the way to hopefully catch Gio. I was hoping Ali would come with me, but apparently he had not finished digesting yet.
On the way up, it only got steeper, but I was glad there were some steady uphill sections where I could feel like resting. As I could finally see more blue sky around and much less rocky mountain, I finally saw Gio ahead so tried pacing up but my legs were already screaming. I did my best to keep pace steady but a little faster, and finally got close to him in the last steep part to the top. I tried sprinting to reach the pass together but with my legs almost close to exhaustion and cramping, the required power was not enough. I finished the climb few seconds after Gio. Honestly, I felt disappointed, but at the same time really happy to having enjoyed the climb properly since last time climbing it was on the heat and dehydrated. After the exhaustion from all the climbing, I got a draft from Gio on the way to Hanase. I almost cramped, but luckily avoided it by riding more leisurely. After reaching bottom of Hanase, we all finally regrouped and had a short rest before the long Hanase North.
The last one, Hanase North
After climbing Sasari, legs were exhausted so decided not to push at the beginning. Again, got dropped initially, but keeping a steady pace helped a lot to reach the top safely with the group. I did not push as hard as in Sasari, but paced it pushing as comfortably as possible. Overall, nothing interesting rather than usual long Hanase. 6 degrees at the top marked a cold downhill to a warm Kyoto.
At the end, everyone made it safely. No flats, only bonks, and overall, as Gio named it, a Sunday Happy All!
Thanks for the amazing ride Gio, Ali, Sid! Nice meeting Steve at lunch too!
あとは、補給のタイミングと量を気になった。エネルギーの面から言えば、炭水化物がすごい。1/27のライドでは佐々理へ行く途中、ランチブレーキで一発で大きな量を食べたのが悪かったが、やはりこの量をエネルギーされたときにめっちゃ踏めるようになった。最近断食途中でそれぐらいのエネルギー上がりがあまりないので、確かにその効果を適当な時間に合わせればメリットある。だから、タイミングが大事ですね。もしかったら、 同じ量を少しずつカロリー食べたら、同じ効果でもあるかな。理論では行けるはず(のかな)。
そして、11/22や11/24 のランではエネルギーが足りる次第に感覚が違ったことに驚く。11/22ではその朝にライドに行ったから、走った時に炭水化物からほぼエネルギー取れなかった。しかし、ランの8kmから、運動中に脂質からエネルギー取れるようになりペースを保てた。脂質はエネルギー源にできるようにまで時間かるそうです。断食の下で練習すればするほど、その代謝を早く使えるようにできるのかなと思っている。